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Must-Have Spices For Vegan Cooking

Are you a vegan cook? Here are all the must-have spices for vegan cooking! Many people get turned off when it comes to developing a vegan lifestyle because they think…
Must-Have Spices For Vegan Cooking

Saffron Extract Tips

Saffron Extract is an easy way to get the most out of this precious and expensive spice. Since it can take from 10-15 minutes for saffron threads to infuse into hot water, making an extract beforehand is both a time-saver and helps to distribute the flavor better.

Saffron Extract Tips

Panch Pooran Potatoes Recipe

This authentic East Indian recipe uses Panch Pooran, a classic blend of five savory spices. The whole seeds pop during cooking, releasing a delicious aroma and adding great flavor and texture to an otherwise simple dish.

Panch Pooran Potatoes Recipe

Mango Mukwas Yogurt Sauce Recipe

A fragrant, sweet Indian yogurt dip or sauce (raita). Traditionally, raitas are used as a mild sauce or side dish to mellow down spicy dishes, and to improve digestion.

Mango Mukwas Yogurt Sauce Recipe

Tourtière à la Spice Station

Tourtière is the classic holiday meat pie of Canada’s Québécois people. The festive pie has delicate, nuanced aromas of nutmeg, savory, cinnamon and cloves, reminiscent of the happy holidays.

Tourtière is the classic holiday meat pie

Citrus Steak Marinade Recipe

Try this Citrus Steak Marinade guaranteed to make your mouth melt! This to-die-for Citrus Steak Marinade recipe adds an unique and tangy flavor to beef! All it takes is some…
Citrus Steak Marinade Recipe

Winter Spices – Dashing Through the Spice Drawer

Use leftover winter spices for things like Homemade Cheesey Scalloped Potatoes with Parsley Flakes Did you buy winter spices for holiday baking, eggnog, mulling, ciders et al and now you’re…
winter spices - potatoes au gratin

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