This intriguing spice, often described as a vibrant blend of ginger, cardamom, and pepper, seems to be just as valuable in the medicine cabinet as it is in the spice rack.
An outstanding substitute for cardamom and black pepper, try it in curried dishes of North African and Middle Eastern influence. Add it to zesty paella & cassoulets or simply eat it with bread in a little olive oil with garlic and thyme.
This intriguing spice, often described as a vibrant blend of ginger, cardamom, and pepper, seems to be just as valuable in the medicine cabinet as it is in the spice rack.
An outstanding substitute for cardamom and black pepper, try it in curried dishes of North African and Middle Eastern influence. Add it to zesty paella & cassoulets or simply eat it with bread in a little olive oil with garlic and thyme.
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